Public Paper
Techno-economic Analysis of Solar Concentrating Power (CSP) in Bangladesh
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Techno-economic Analysis of Solar Concentrating Power (CSP) in Bangladesh
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Abstract— Bangladesh is a developing country with only 60% of the population have access to electricity. There are immense opportunities for solar energy technologies for power generation as the country receives 4-6.5 kWh/m2/day. A renewable energy policy was introduced in 2008 to emphasize the Solar Thermal Power/Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) for generating power in rural and urban areas. Though solar PV systems have received widespread implementation throughout the country, the CSP technology is yet to be disseminated on large scale. The study assesses the techno-economic evaluation of CSP technologies at 30 different locations of Bangladesh. To analyze the techno-economic feasibility of CSP technologies two projects namely PS-10 (based on power tower technology) and ANDASOL-1 (based on parabolic trough collector technology) have been taken as reference cases for this study. Technical evaluation has been made through the compari...
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Molla Shahadat Hossain Lipu, Taskin Jamal
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