Public Paper
Design of a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine for Electricity Generation in Low Speed Windy Sites
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Design of a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine for Electricity Generation in Low Speed Windy Sites
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The paper presents the analysis of wind speed data for five windy sites and appropriate wind turbine design for electricity generation in Bangladesh. The data has been collected from the Wind Energy Resource Mapping (WERM) project for Bangladesh. The wind speed data has been measured at 20 m height from ground level. The data have been shorted in the appropriate frequency like monthly, hourly mean wind speed. The frequency distributions of wind speed, velocity duration curve and velocity profile have been drown for getting more clear ideas about the selected site. Then Kuakata Sea belt has got better windy site which has been selected for electricity generation and design a horizontal axis wind turbine for this purpose. Wind turbine design algorithm has been followed to determine different design parameters like design lift coefficient, angle of attack, design tip speed ratio, number of blades, design power coefficient and diameter of...
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A. K. Azad, M. Masud Kaysar
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