German Journal of
Advanced Electronic Research

The total number of results is 633. Page 4 from 42.


Design and Fabrication of Microstrip Planar Antenna with Meander – Line Structure in GSM Band

Design and Fabrication of Microstrip Planar Antenna with Meander – Line Structure in GSM Band

Speed Adjustment for Brushless DC Motors Using Microcontrollers

Speed Adjustment for Brushless DC Motors Using Microcontrollers

Recognition of Myanmar Lottery Ticket Number

Recognition of Myanmar Lottery Ticket Number

ASIC Design of Approximate Booth Multiplier

ASIC Design of Approximate Booth Multiplier

Modelling Polysolenoid Permanent Stimulation Linear Motors for Real Time Simulation Problem

Modelling Polysolenoid Permanent Stimulation Linear Motors for Real Time Simulation Problem

ATmega328 MC Based Air Pollution Monitoring System

ATmega328 MC Based Air Pollution Monitoring System

Non Destructive Evaluation of Trace Elements in Quail (Coturnix Coturnix) Eggs using Color Image Analysis

Non Destructive Evaluation of Trace Elements in Quail (Coturnix Coturnix) Eggs using Color Image Analysis

Quantitative Evaluation of Lung Tumor Detection Applied to Axial MR Images

Quantitative Evaluation of Lung Tumor Detection Applied to Axial MR Images

Survey on Machine Learning Approaches for Image Stitching for Panoramic View and Monitoring Global Land Usage using Satellite Images

Survey on Machine Learning Approaches for Image Stitching for Panoramic View and Monitoring Global Land Usage using Satellite Images

Designing the Output Feedback LQG Controller Applying for Electrical Drive System

Designing the Output Feedback LQG Controller Applying for Electrical Drive System

Facial Expression Detection using Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

Facial Expression Detection using Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

Cognitive Radio: An Intelligent Wireless Communication System: A Survey

Cognitive Radio: An Intelligent Wireless Communication System: A Survey

Evacuation of Employees During Emergency - A Campus Safety Approach Using Arduino

Evacuation of Employees During Emergency - A Campus Safety Approach Using Arduino

Design of Compensators for Speed Control of DC Motor Using Frequency-Response Techniques

Design of Compensators for Speed Control of DC Motor Using Frequency-Response Techniques

A Robust Image Watermarking Scheme Based on Discrete Shearlet Transform (DST) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)

A Robust Image Watermarking Scheme Based on Discrete Shearlet Transform (DST) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
The total number of results is 633.
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