Public Journal
Transmission Line Fault Detection with Mini Weather Station using IoT
ISSN: 2195-1381Publisher: publisher   
Transmission Line Fault Detection with Mini Weather Station using IoT
Indexed in
Technology and Engineering
Journal Basics Score: 2
Journal Transparency Score: 3
Journal Operation Score: 3
Journal Articles Score: 2
Journal Accessibility Score: 3
International Category Code (ICC):

Publisher: Pravin Namdev Patil
Publication Center: INDIA
— The fault occurred in transmission line is very much dangerous for the locality. In locality the fault occurrence is more as compared to outer transmission line. In our prototype we design a model which is to be detect the fault in transmission line by comparing the voltage signal between the transmission line and a reference value, the reference value is predetermined and if the transmission line voltage is more than or less than reference value then fault is to be shown in display. The information regarding fault occurrence in particular phase is send to web page via IOT device which is NODE MCU(Esp8266) and also shown in display. The Voltage sensor is used to sense the voltage and send output to microcontroller IC. Here microcontroller IC ATMEGA 328P is used in this IC programming is done which compare the voltage signal and send output to IOT module and display. Similarly, climate is the condition of the environment, to the ex...
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