Public Journal
MANAS Journal of Social Studies /MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi
ISSN: 1624 - 7215Publisher: publisher   
MANAS Journal of Social Studies /MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi
Indexed in
Social Sciences
Journal Basics Score: 3
Journal Transparency Score: 3
Journal Operation Score: 3
Journal Articles Score: 3
Journal Accessibility Score: 3
International Category Code (ICC):

Publisher: Celaleddin Serinkan
Publication Center: KYRGYZSTAN
1624 - 7215
ISSN Validator
MANAS Journal of Social Studies (MJSS) aims to be a journal contributing to the science with the publication of academic researches.  MJSS is an international refereed journal. The journal aims to publish the researches in the field of social sciences and provide for the use of scientists. MJSS Journal is published to demonstrate the cultural riches of Central Asia and Turkic world, particularly Kyrgyzstan, to show the cultural and social events and the problems of Turkic world and to reveal recent macro and micro level studies in a scholarly manner.  MJSS aims to be scanned by more databases and indexes with an open access journal system and provides an easy and unlimited access to its readers. MJSS team checks each article which is loaded into the system with a separate diligence and forward to the reviewers. This process continues in great confidentiality. After the completion of reviewer process of articles, they line up to ...
Journal Rating